Friday, July 9, 2010


Our skin is assaulted by everything from the sun to irritating laundry detergent and cigarette smoke and as such there’s noway we can avoid the sun unless with lots and lots of sunblock that for the sun, detergents .. the technoliges - washing machine and dishwashing can handle it and cigarette smoke?? our good ownself. As experts and demologist says, overall, the skin of a smoker isn’t as healthy and doesn’t heal as well as a nonsmoker’s skin. It also has a tendency to wrinkle easily. That’s because smoking cigarettes causes all of your blood vessels to constrict, or get more narrow, including the vessels that feed the outer layers of your skin. When you smoke, your skin gets less of the oxygen and nutrients it needs to stay healthy, and that leads to wrinkles. In addition, smoking causes elastic fibers in the skin to thicken, which means your skin won’t snap back into shape as well and you can experience sagging, The more you smoke, the more likely it is to happen and the more skin damage you’ll see. My2fil, ladies to look young and flawless less smokinnnn…

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