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some are memorable and some are not but do not sweep it away as adalah peringatan and dugaan. Life goes on ... |
Thursday, December 30, 2010
2010 Winter'sVacay Istanbul ~ i'm such a clutz !!
Our vacation starts with the 4-half hrs flight. Embark @Ataturk Airport Istanbul. Inflight, the delishus RammOna still can take the laughs out of me, huhu. After many reruns of Ramona and Beezus, still dont mind watching the precious Ramona and and managed to watch Justin Long and Drew Barrymore, Going the Distance. quite a gud movie...
Checkin @ Gulhane Suite, strategic as in the center of the tourist attaction and end our day with survey the area and had our first insight and our taste of their ice-cream, sejuk2 pown makan icecream. Walk along the shops and sempat juga tawar menawar but so buying... and also surveyed the turkish bath which we are planning to try... and also i manage to fall, huhu such as clutz !! and Mr.Jay and Mr.J had nargile, shisha as we called and mums and kid had hot drinks .. Gudnyte !!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Oooppss !!! Stopppp ... !!!
a reminder to meself, huhu ... "The funny thing about earning more money is that you still manage to spend it all"...hehe, just jeaaa ... pujok2 myHoneyLuv nak tag along to Amman, Jordan tho it wont be my first trip to Jordan but the last trip we're unable to go sightseeing because of heavy snow, then the PLANNED trips; shorttrip back home, Malaysia in February 2011and our booked and confirmed WHOLE family WinterNewZealandVacay, in the month of July, insyaAllah, huhu terdiam seketika, huhu masyaAllah and not to forget our ongoing Istanbul WinterVacay, subhanallh 3x . Buat sabo !!! buat sabo ... !!! Anyway syukur kepada Allah dengan rezeki dan kesihatan yang diberi Semoga diredhai dan diberkati olehNye, Ameen.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Istanbul Turkey WinterVacay2010
30Dec2010 - 6Jan2011 ...Yup !!! 7days in Istanbul and hoping to Have a wonderful Holiday ... Drink in all the new sensations, and even if things don't go exactly as planned, gonna think of the wonderful travel stories able to tell uol Children yg not goin. Sorry !!! Excited + sad going for this vacation as 1st time going without the WHOLE family as we're on this side of the world, take the opportunity to see the beauty and creation of Allah. Semoga lindungi and diberkati Allah, Ameen ..
Monkey knows BEST !!!
Being staying in a land where mutton is their everyday main dish, mutton briani, nasi mandhi, mutton khadai, mutton roast, mutton !! mutton !! mutton !!! and my last visit to the doctor says, "my blood pressure borderline" after on medication for aweek trial for having hBP. Google and like to share, the monkeys fav being high in potassium yet low in salt have the ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.
and not only Bp it has other potential, Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout.
tryptophan in Bananas, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier. The vitamin B6 in Bananas regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood. High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.
the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert
the last and not least our granMa's recipe, high in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
anybody comin??

"KUALA LUMPUR: AirAsia X announces its latest international route from Kuala Lumpur to Christchurch, New Zealand with four non-stop weekly services between the two cities from April 1 next year.
The airline is offering all-in fare from as low as RM199 one-way from Kuala Lumpur to Christchurch for the booking period of Dec 3 to 5 for the travel period between April 1 and Nov 10 next year.
Booking starts noon in New Zealand and 7am Malaysia.
Promotional seats are available online via www.airasia.com." ~~ give me a date. if not only me, papa, shaleen and farahin, Eva anytime boleh ikot, hehe !!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
a treasure hunt challenge to win flights to New Zealand
The contest is really simple. Start by following @AirAsia (http://www.twitter.com/AirAsia) Twitter account now (register now if you don’t have one). A total of 5 clues will be released by our Social Media team on an hourly basis starting from 10am (GMT+8), 1 Dec, 2010. All you need to do is to follow the tweets, answer the clues and submit all the answers to facebook@airasia.com after the last clue is revealed! or check http://blog.airasia.com/index.php/hunt-your-way-to-new-zealand-challenge
early am, "Ouch, aduih !!!" and limping on ur first steps out of bed?? ~~ PLANTAR FASCIITIS, a common source of heel pain, the persistent foot ailment. It is easy to ignore as it eases after your walk around but harder to get rid of if the longer you let it go. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot from the heel bone to the toes. Causes abound, overweight, having high arches or flat feet, standing or walking for long periods on hard surfaces or wearing unsupportive shoes, open-heeled shoes such as flip-flop, slides sandals or worn-out heels or it could be other things such as injury due to strenuous sports and as such trip to the podiatrist is wise at the first sign of pain ...
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Contemplating !!
Been using dermalogica for quite some time infact for quite some years and so CONTEMPLATING of switching to Shiseido OR SK-II. Have tried the shiseido sun protection cream (very water resistant SPF 50) which i find it OK. SK-II product not easy to get in AbuDhabi if run out ... I have only a week to do my facial skin test @ both the counter before going back to AbuDhabi so as i can purchase the product @theAirport ... (cheaper !!) Should i just stick to my current facial set which need replenishing or change ??
Saturday, October 23, 2010
2tinyFeet wave in the air 2LittleHands tug @urHair!!

A new life! Is there any more wonderful signal of hope to any of us than sharing life with a child, who sees the world anew each and every day!
Ten Tiny fingers that always want to play,
That never stop exploring the wonder of today.
Ten tiny little fingers that from the very start,
Will reach out for tomorrow, yet always hold your heart.

Baby, baby softly sleeping how my heart goes out to you, how
sweet your cheek, your tiny mouth, your tiny little fist!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Last week "As the tenth day, of the tenth month, of the tenth year, it is being hailed as one of the luckiest of the century.was the perfect10 : 10.10.2010 and today the end of another perfect day and hope it was a perfect day as the date but we know not everyone is having a perfect day and as for me, alhamdulillah syukur dengan rezeki yang telah dikurniakan oleh Allah dan doa akan sihat sejahtera dunia dan akhirat. and today 20.10.2010 *wink wink*
Reignites love of LEARNING !!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sounds in jETS aFFECT OUR tASTE buds !!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010
MUM!! ... don't wakeMeUp weekend!!
Weekend and if need not salat fajr my teenage daughter insist that she not be awaken as she does not want to loose the 90percent of her memory of her last nyte dream. She insist that if awaken by herself she will remember what she dreamt ... *wink wink* yet me got to google ..!!
well about dream ... daydreaming ... i came across that daydreaming probably may "nurture creative impulses and keep larger goals in focus"... well .. doodling daydreamers you may at last get some respect .. huhu ..
Researches has it that daydreaming - common and often quite useful. "A wandering mind can protect you from immediate perils and keep you on course towards long-term goals. Sometimes daydreaming is counter-productive but, sometimes, it fosters creativity and helps you solve porblems.
For creativity, you need your mind to wander. And to encourage creative process, has it say that it may help if go jogging, take a walk, do some knitting or just sit around doodling coz relatively undemanding tasks frees our mind to wander productively ...
my younger days daydreaming or mind wandering is a NO NO as when we daydream our parents will say, "berangan nak kawin tu", huhu. But has it occured to them that if we couldn't daydream during a boring task, life would be boring too ... *wink wink* keep dreaming people ... !!!
Monday, October 11, 2010

~~ Men dont ask for directions, women dont read the map and INSPIRATION will lead either nowhere ... GPS will .. huhu thumbs up GPS ...
~~ INSPIRATION might make you lead the horse to the water but it wont help you make the horse drink it... logic will ..
Well today INSPIRATION is for hobby and today is more initiative, effort and hard work ...
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

me being a person who seldom dream; day or nyte had thus had a big laugh with MYhoneyLuv this morn. Just kidding with him of having MerczMPV for our 30th Anniversary celebrated on 3October 2010 and not "heart-small" for not getting it as just an "anggan2Car" which is cheap and last nyte ... i did get my car .!!! *wink wink* .. in my dream !!! ... huhu. Yup!! .. dreamt of getting a mercz but a ...
merczBUS !! ... *blink blink*
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
frenzeBreakfast has more on its plate

Just back from favorite morning lepak venue with myhoneyLuv, Cafe Frenze. The usual Frenze Spanish breakfast: omelette nd bread has additional in the plate; hotdog, harshbrown, turkey and beef slice and saute mushroom .Either they make changes or being generous this morn 3 org boleh share
Saturday, October 2, 2010
ourWedding ~~ masyaAllah 30yrs !!

30years ago, 3rd October 1980 that we promise to continue loving each other and support each other rain or shine. Remembering that 3 decades ago made him promise that if he fell out of luv he will inform me first and i will let him go without being a fishmonger's wife and if children is involve he has to make new ones, huhu ... only then agree to marry him after a short courting ... 30 years where does it go ??? ... to our 5 lovely children ... Alhamdulillah may our marriage continue in bliss dan Semoga Allah beri kami sejahteraan dan kesihatan dunia dan ahkirat, ameen
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
bringinUp us6

toDay being emo and remembering my mum and her advise and ways in bringing us6 up..
"Used to be, your mom's was the lone voice urging you to eat breakfast before leaving the house. Now she's been joined by legions of professionals who've conducted studies that prove just how wise she really was. Breakfast, it turns out, really is the most important meal of the day ..." Well !! i remembered, my mum being very strict and make sure that we eat before to school; that early morning all rushing to school worried to left behind by the school bus, my mum, bless her soul will be with us waiting for bus while spooning us the "breakfast", usually nasik goreng, quakerOat and such.. And we got spooned till we start work.. huhu!! Miss her sooo much ... But today's children will say, "xleh makan nanti sakit perut" ..
Disiplin~~putA scare in kids

ever scared of the postman ?? huhu my youngeer times, "nakai2 lah dtg postman mummy masukkan hampa dlm parcel nd post so xjumpa mummy and daddy lagi" Yup!! when we see the postman we all lari. But the postman of today does not look like postman of before, quite elderly and naik basikal or motor buruk. Postman of today looks like this ...

young .... if sometimes not handsome *wink wink* and naik motor, they want to vrooommm vrooommm jea.
But actually this more to point out disciplining the children as just came across a gutso local girl who refuse to Q for a ride on the swing, with her "lak, lak" which means "NO ... NO". I also remembered my arwah mum, bless her soul putting a beetle in a transparent plastic bag to scare my very2 hyper nephew and we always recall the incidents with him and laugh, now a father wonder how he gonna discipline the daughter later, fun to see, huhu ..
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
emoTouching ~~ the Last Song

hwaaaa !! ... i NEED an icepack for my eyes !!! ... Yup gotta agree with myGirl and friend.. *wink wink*. Gud movie: emotional and touching. Sorry sweetheart for not watching and sharing this movie together. take a long time for me to watch this movie .. not that i don't like her, but she do need a good dentist, hehe, sorry sweetheart. But do like her song, "I MISS YOU" ...
Monday, September 27, 2010

Research shows that high-fiber foods can help keep you healthy in a number of ways, including aiding in digestion and improving heart health. My younger days high-fiber foods were thought to be important mainly in promoting regular bowel movements. What Is Dietary Fiber? soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, when mixed with liquid, soluble fiber forms a gel, and in your digestive tract, this gel helps to keep you feeling full and slows down digestion. Insoluble fiber does not form a gel. Instead, it passes through the intestinal tract intact, keeping things in motion.
Soluble fiber comes mainly from the insides of fruits and vegetables. Insoluble fiber comes from the skins of fruits and vegetables, and from whole grains, nuts, and seeds.
"Fiber is not just important for regularity — it can also help stabilize blood sugars, lower bad cholesterol levels, decrease the risk of certain cancers, and even help with weight loss,
As such, Up Your Fiber Intake With These High-Fiber Foods ~~~ Avocado, berries, whole-wheat noodles, popcorns
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
EatinAwareness !!

Eating should be a conscious act, not just something you do every time you walk past the fridge. Give your complete attention to the food. Enjoy the taste, be aware of the aroma and all the flavors-sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent and pungent.
We all have them, those irresistible foods , the trigger food, food that we can't seem to eat enough of. For me its Sambal ikan bilis and rice hot or cold, especially my Mum’s sambal, bless her soul. Al-fatihah. Semoga roh beliau diberkati dan bersama orang2 yang soleh, Ameen. If not paying attention as I’m eatin them, only realizing I already had 3 or so helping.
I came across an article, eating with awareness or “mindful eating” , a way to prevent overeating. “ When you eat mindfully, your aim is to focus solely on the here-and-now experience of eating — the sight, flavor, texture, and aroma of the food, plus the thoughts and feelings you have as you eat”. ….should I say more like a chef or a food critics, *wink wink*.
Practice mindful eating:
Eat only when you are seated at your kitchen or dining room table. No eating sambil in front of the television, reading, driving (untuk menghilang ngantuk or boring) , lying or sitting in bed, or doing anything else that requires your attention.
Keep the focus on the food rather than the conversation. To me this will be the problem, it's nice to chat with company while you eat, .. “but don't get so wrapped up that you forget to notice and enjoy your food”.
Savor each mouthful .. that’s easy ….
Take a moment to assess your hunger. Are you a little hungry? Moderately hungry? Ravenously hungry? .. but this so soooo difficult has I also have a human trigger, huhu myhoneyLuv who luvs to cook and eat and wants company.. *wink wink*
As you eat, pause to check in occasionally with your hunger. Aim to stop once you feel satisfied rather than eating until all the food is gone. … this will need a lot of endurance .. *wink wink* Push your plate away, and give your body 15 to 20 minutes to register whether or not you are still hungry before you eat more.
Probably over time and I hope not until too late, learning to eat in the moment will help break free from mindless eating and make meals more enjoyable and satisfying. "If we expand our awareness about eating, we can take care of 99% of digestive problems," says Deepak Chopra, M.D., an endocrinologist in Stoneham, Massachusetts, and author of Creating Health.
Friday, September 17, 2010
ousted from the livingRoom

ousted from the living room by daughterShazzleen went to MarinaMall. Ramai sungguh orang as there's electronic sale. Then myHoneyLuv had shisha and me my cafe latte' @Havanna ...
scenic view from HavanaCafe and YatchClub AbuDhabi
Thursday, September 16, 2010
backHome but not homeSWEEThome

backHome @ElectraStreet AbuDhabi. Missing the children @homeSWEEThome, family and friends. This morning already had roti canai with curry fish better than Marias, huhu. myironChef changed location from myOwnKitchen to myElecKitchen, hehe. Mihoon is on the way ...
Mostly everyone has at least one trigger foods, and for me that's not the biggest obstacles when it comes to weight loss. mine is myhoneyLuv's cookkiinnn ....
Sunday, September 12, 2010
2Shawal 1431 ~~ openHouse @SgKantan

openHse @SgKantan on the 2nd day of HariRaya. myOwnKitchen ironChef was really2 on the move with 3Rendangs, sambal sotong, lodeh and cantonese kueh tiaw and towards the evening had to run to TESCO for more mee and kuah tiaw and so had goreng mee and kuah tiaw.
At nyte we had a beautiful bulan and bintang ...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
'Eid mubarak moga kita bertemu lagi Ramadhan mendatang!

2day the last day of fasting dan akhirnye bulan Ramadhan. Semoga Allah menerima ibadah kita bersama dan semoga kita bertemu lagi Ramadhan mendatang. And today for iftar insyaAllah will be at the Loaf Pavillion. This will be the first time for myHoneyLuv. Then probably seeing KualaLumpur by the nyte malam Raya. myOwnKitchen close for the day *wink wink*.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
29Ramadhan 1431 ~~ 2day's iftar ??
Yaa Allah! Jadikanlah Puasa ku Disertai Dengan Syukur Dan Penerima
Di Atas Jalan Keridhoan-Mu Dan Keridhoan Rasul. Cabang-Cabangnya
Kokoh Dan Kuat Berkat Pokok-Pokoknya, Demi Kenabian Mohammad Dan
Keluarganya Yang Suci, Dan Segala Puji Bagi Allah Tuhan
Di Atas Jalan Keridhoan-Mu Dan Keridhoan Rasul. Cabang-Cabangnya
Kokoh Dan Kuat Berkat Pokok-Pokoknya, Demi Kenabian Mohammad Dan
Keluarganya Yang Suci, Dan Segala Puji Bagi Allah Tuhan
2day's menu for iftar is still a ... ??? ... myOwnKitchen ironChef still zzzZZZZzz ..
myOwnKitchen ironChef is on the move and 2days menu for iftar are mind you ARE huhu ketam masak cili api, pucuk ubi with sardin masak cili api, sayur taugeh goreng then for dessert pisang goreng and kodok pisang ... yum2yummylicious
.... ooppss mi goreng and to go 4 surau AsSyakirin
masyaAllah what did i do on MALAM 29Ramadhan!!
YaAllah Ramadhan 1431 is ending !!..
yesterday was a bizzy2 day with last minit grocery shopping. Went to JuscoCheras and finish myHoneyLuv's winning, *wink wink*

won the gift voucher in his last golf tournement had to redeem the voucher as we will be going back to AbuDhabi on 15Sept. No cooking yesterday. our Iftar was at the CarouselCafe @ Palace of GoldenHorses. They had quite a spread and also RusaPanggang, sedaappp and had quite a helping.
returningHome after solat thinking of shisha, poopp !! black out. In the dark for 1/2hr but outside was very calm and terang. *blink blink* .. Got the light .. nd just about to step out for the shisha . poopps again then zzZZZ alamatnye till the return of the light ...
yesterday was a bizzy2 day with last minit grocery shopping. Went to JuscoCheras and finish myHoneyLuv's winning, *wink wink*

won the gift voucher in his last golf tournement had to redeem the voucher as we will be going back to AbuDhabi on 15Sept. No cooking yesterday. our Iftar was at the CarouselCafe @ Palace of GoldenHorses. They had quite a spread and also RusaPanggang, sedaappp and had quite a helping.
returningHome after solat thinking of shisha, poopp !! black out. In the dark for 1/2hr but outside was very calm and terang. *blink blink* .. Got the light .. nd just about to step out for the shisha . poopps again then zzZZZ alamatnye till the return of the light ...
Malam 30Ramadhan 1431 ~~ will we be seeing another Ramadhan ??

2nyte insyaAllah malam akhir sembahyang sunat terawih, MALAM 30 Ramadhan 1431: Allah Subhanahwataala beri penghormatan kpd org berterawih pada malam terakhir ini yg teristimewa sekali, lalu berfirman: "Hai hamba2Ku: makanlah segala jenis buah2an yg engkau ingini hendak makan di dlm syurga, dan mandilah engkau drpd air syurga yang bernama Salsabila, serta minumlah air drpd telaga yg dikurniakan kpd Nbi Muhammad S.A.W. yg bernama 'Al-Kauthar'." ... insyaAllah
Monday, September 6, 2010
27Ramadhan 1431 ~~
Yaa Allah! Rezekikanlah Kepadaku Keutamaan Lailatul Qadr, Dan Ubahlah
Perkara-Perkara ku Yang Sulit Menjadi Mudah. Terimalah Permintaan
Maafku, Dan Hapuskanlah Dosa Dan Keslahanku, Wahai Yang Maha
Penyayang Terhadap Hamba- HambaNya Yang Soleh

Another eid spread is ready; sambal sotong kering. Just the nasi impit and kuah lodeh left to cook on eid day itself.
As 2day morn went to goggle2 @Curve and succumb to shopping in LivingQuarters, hehe . 2day's menu for iftar is simplysimplex bubur lambuk with sambal ikan bilis kering and kueh tiaw goreng kerang nd theres just 4 of us for iftar.
Perkara-Perkara ku Yang Sulit Menjadi Mudah. Terimalah Permintaan
Maafku, Dan Hapuskanlah Dosa Dan Keslahanku, Wahai Yang Maha
Penyayang Terhadap Hamba- HambaNya Yang Soleh

Another eid spread is ready; sambal sotong kering. Just the nasi impit and kuah lodeh left to cook on eid day itself.
As 2day morn went to goggle2 @Curve and succumb to shopping in LivingQuarters, hehe . 2day's menu for iftar is simplysimplex bubur lambuk with sambal ikan bilis kering and kueh tiaw goreng kerang nd theres just 4 of us for iftar.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
26Ramadhan ~~ eid mood with the rendang aroma is here!!
Yaa Allah! Jadikanlah Usaha ku Sebagai Usaha Yang Di syukuri, Dan
Dosa-Dosa ku Di ampuni, Amal Perbuatan Ku Diterima, Dan Seluruh Aib
ku Di tutupi, Wahai Maha Pendengar Dan Semua Yang Mendengar.

yup!! myOwnKitchen has rolled his sleeve and put his cap, *wink wink* the aroma of rendang engulving the house. The rendang kerang is ready, the rendang ayam kampung is simmering, huhu tonyte probably boley makan the rendang with roti babu, uuummpph yummylicious !!Dosa-Dosa ku Di ampuni, Amal Perbuatan Ku Diterima, Dan Seluruh Aib
ku Di tutupi, Wahai Maha Pendengar Dan Semua Yang Mendengar.

And not only the eid's spread is simmering ... as for today's menu for iftar are ready too; curry ikan with telur ikan *winkwink* memang enak !!! and sup mushroom, mcm2 variety of mushroom and siput,

Forgotten the name of the siput and to cook just tumis saje !! Got it yesterday at KualaSelangor ...
ooOpps no siput in the spread tonyte as it goes to the bin ~~ no confident to eat, hehe . So the iftar will just be curry ikan with telur ikan and sup mushroom, simple nd yummydelish ...
hehe ironChef masak sambil nyanyi2 the exChef net2 ...
the rendang daging with limpa and paru is coming up .. GIVE me strength ..
Saturday, September 4, 2010
25Ramadhan 1431
Yaa Allah! Jadikanlah Aku Orang-.Orang Yang Menyintai Auliya-Mu Dan
Memusuhi Musuh-Musuh Mu. Jadikanlah Aku Pengikut Sunnah-Sunnah
Penutup Nabi-Mu, Wahai Penjaga Hati Para Nabi

Alhamdulillah malam 26 Ramadhan 1431 we are all @home as myHoneyLuv aka ironChef arrived yesterday. Early2 mornin to Kuala Selangor to stok our fridge. And see what we found kerang and semangat size nye. Borong 20 kilo kerang. As usual fish and udang pown borong ~~ ironChef style, huhu .

nD so today's menu from myOwnKitchen's ironChef for iftar are, huiissh nasik lemak dengan lauk2 sambal ikan bilis, sambal sotong kering, sambal kerang, kangkong, telur aya and telur asin and the famous kueh tiaw cantonese.
Then MICASA dan ema'sKitchen will be joining today and adding to the spread soup tulang and more yet to see. Huhu today makan sure pengsan !! *wink wink* Will continue posting todays menu outcome later ...

... i forgot to mention myOwnKitchen ayam kampung goreng and from EmazKitchen tomyam sotong and sambal teloq .. last nyte was food's haven .. alhamdulillah dengan rezeki yang diberi olehNye.
Memusuhi Musuh-Musuh Mu. Jadikanlah Aku Pengikut Sunnah-Sunnah
Penutup Nabi-Mu, Wahai Penjaga Hati Para Nabi

Alhamdulillah malam 26 Ramadhan 1431 we are all @home as myHoneyLuv aka ironChef arrived yesterday. Early2 mornin to Kuala Selangor to stok our fridge. And see what we found kerang and semangat size nye. Borong 20 kilo kerang. As usual fish and udang pown borong ~~ ironChef style, huhu .

nD so today's menu from myOwnKitchen's ironChef for iftar are, huiissh nasik lemak dengan lauk2 sambal ikan bilis, sambal sotong kering, sambal kerang, kangkong, telur aya and telur asin and the famous kueh tiaw cantonese.
Then MICASA dan ema'sKitchen will be joining today and adding to the spread soup tulang and more yet to see. Huhu today makan sure pengsan !! *wink wink* Will continue posting todays menu outcome later ...

... i forgot to mention myOwnKitchen ayam kampung goreng and from EmazKitchen tomyam sotong and sambal teloq .. last nyte was food's haven .. alhamdulillah dengan rezeki yang diberi olehNye.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Eid ul-Fitri 1431

Di bulan dan hari yang mulia ini, kami sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya kepada keluarga2 dan sahabat2 yang berada di tanahair dan di perantauan esp. AbuDhabi. Yang tak dapat pulang ke tanahair jgnlah bersedih nanti kami balik AbuDhabi insyaAllah kami bawa oleh2 raya okey.
Eid ul-Fitri
Maaf Dzahir & Batin.
~~ drpd Jalil Hana sekeluarga
24Ramadhan 1431 ~~ handing over the reign, huhu
Yaa Allah! Aku Memohon Kepada-Mu Hal-Hal Yang Mendatangkan Keridhoan-
Mu, Dan Aku Berlindung Dengan- Mu Dan Hal-Hal Yang Mendatangkan
Kemarahan-Mu, Dan Aku Memohon Kepada-Mu Kemampuan Untuk Mentaati-Mu
Serta Menghindari Kemaksiatan Terhadap-Mu, Wahai Pemberi Para
Mu, Dan Aku Berlindung Dengan- Mu Dan Hal-Hal Yang Mendatangkan
Kemarahan-Mu, Dan Aku Memohon Kepada-Mu Kemampuan Untuk Mentaati-Mu
Serta Menghindari Kemaksiatan Terhadap-Mu, Wahai Pemberi Para
23Ramadhan 1431 ~~iftar @Surau As-syakirinSgKantan
Yaa Allah! Sucikanlah Aku Dari Dosa-Dosa, Dan Bersihkanlah Diriku
Dari Segala Aib. Tanamkanlah Ketaqwaan Di Dalam Hatiku, Wahai
Penghapus Kesalahan Orang-Orang Yang Berdosa.

chefDmyOwnKitchen breaking fast @SurauAsSyakirin SgKantan. Cooking daging makkasim for the iftar and the home is also having same daging makkasim and adding mushroom soup to the spread. InsyaAllah semosa rempit. Simply2 simple.
And yaY tomorrow myIronChef will be coming home and taking over the kitchen, huhu looking2 forward and also missing2 him..

Alhamdulillah the iftar spread was in varieties with white rice and nasi mandey, lemak nenas, dalca and also kerabu, ulam2 and kuih muih and not to forget from myOwnKitchen daging makkasin and semosa rempit.
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