Sunday, March 13, 2011

LoosenUp with exercise !!


The Benefits of Exercising With Arthritis

Sure, you may still need medication, supportive braces, and other modes of treatment for arthritis, but exercise is also integral to any arthritis treatment plan because of the many benefits it offers.

Exercise can improve your arthritis symptoms by:

Reducing joint stiffness and pain

Keeping joints and muscles flexible

Strengthening muscles surrounding the joint for better support — less pain and strain

Strengthening bones and cartilage in the joints

Improving energy levels and quality of sleep

Keeping you fit and healthy

Improving your emotional health, managing stress, and combating depression associated with arthritis

Losing extra pounds that can contribute to arthritis pain

The benefits of starting an exercise routine are both immediate and long-term. Regular exercise can help you to feel healthier overall, it can keep arthritis symptoms at bay, and it may even keep symptoms from coming back by resolving the inflammation and stiffness that cause them. Some of the biggest complaints among people with arthritis — joint pain, joint stiffness, and lack of energy — can be addressed with one simple arthritis treatment: exercise.

Not every type of exercise is right for  arthritis, or that any particular exercise is right all the time. You have to pay attention to your body, and what your pain is telling you.

Exercise for people with arthritis can be broken into three basic types: resistance, cardiovascular, and range-of-motion exercises. Incorporating a variety of these types of exercises is the best way to improve joint health and reduce arthritis pain.

Resistance Exercises for Arthritis

Resistance exercises stretch and strengthen muscles with the help of resistance bands or light free weights. They can be done standing, lying on the floor, or sitting in a chair. Here are some good examples of resistance exercises that can help battle arthritis symptoms:

Lifting and straightening your leg from a seated position in a chair


Abdominal crunches

Hamstring stretches


Cardiovascular Exercise and Arthritis

Cardiovascular exercises boost heart health and lung capacity, and make you work up a sweat. Good cardiovascular exercises for people with arthritis are:





Low-impact exercises that are easy on the joints

Range-of-Motion Exercises and Arthritis

Range-of-motion exercises improve the flexibility and movement of stiff joints. Recommended range-of-motion exercises to help people with arthritis include:


Tai chi

Stretches (in or out of water)

Head tilts and turns

Hip rotations — try sitting in a chair and gently shifting your weight from side to side to loosen up hip joints

Finger massages and opening and closing of fingers

Shoulder and arm rotations — try holding your arms out and gently rotating them

Safety Issues and Exercise

When your arthritis is really acting up, it's not the time to force those flaring joints to work. Instead, stretch them out with only some light range-of-motion exercises, and skip the tougher stuff until you're feeling better.

Push yourself, but not to the point of pain. Pay attention to what your body is telling you — you want exercise to feel good and rewarding, not cause searing pain. If you're just starting out, remember to take your time. Slowly begin incorporating exercise into your day, and build up your level of exercise slowly.

Exercise can be a huge pain reliever for many people with arthritis. Just remember to take your time, and be cautious and selective about the types of exercise you do.

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