ku Berkah-Berkah Mu. Berilah Kemampuan Untuk ku Kepada Penyebab-
Penyebab Keridhoan-Mu, Dan Tempatkanlah Aku Di Dalam Syurga-Mu Yang
Luas, Wahai Penjawab Doa Orang-Orang Yang Dalam Kesempitan.

woo-hoo !! yup myOwnKitchen is in the mmoooddd !!! the gulai lemak and pengat pisang are cooked. Yet to fry the ikan belah belakang and the tempe later as will be irresistable eaten hott... Yup!! thats the menu for the iftar spread malam 7 akhirRamadhan ini; gulai lemak mushroom wif udang, ikan belah belakang and tempe goreng. then the ulam will be yesterday's pucuk ubi. As for the sweet tooth pengat pisang wif sago now is being chilled ... delish ???