2013 !!! hmmm much events and activities. Started with our family winter vacay in Osaka Japan
Then me and myhoneyLuv had a short vacay and more of yarn spree shopping at Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam with our old frez Zul and Akmal. It was a short wonderful holiday and not to mention cheap as we got the free seat from AirAsia promotion.
2013 also sees our new venture, My Own Kitchen which alhamdulillah it was a success and it has kept us busy. Syukur Alhamdulillah My Own Kitchen close the year end with a fab and busy December.
We also started Cataleya, an online biz which unfortunately is not full swing as yet.
November 2013 my little Princess turned 3. Semoga Eva menjadi anak yang soleh dan semoga ALlah permudah dan memberkati Eva dalam menimba ilmu dan mencapai cita-cita untuk kebaikan dunia dan akhirat.
And not to forget our yearly big family event, the Kamats which this year was hosted by our cuz, the Othman Kamat. Had a very good turnout and eventful with laughters, chatting, eating dan dancing, old and young.
And alhamdulillah 2013 about to end and yeah!!! a free 3days 2nyte at Palace of Golden Horse, yet to redeem. A retiree way of a holiday hehhee
Ya ALlah syukur dengan rezeki, kebahagian dan kesihatan yg dianugerahkan kepada kami.
Semoga 2014 will see us a better person dan pertingkatan dalam iman kami untuk kebaikan dunia dan akhirat.