Monday, December 31, 2012

A New Year !!!

//2013 ~ what's in store for us?! Semoga tahun baru ini diberi olehNya kepada kita peningkatan keimanan, keikhlasan, kesabaran dan memenuhi tahun ini dan seterusnya dengan ketaatan dan amal soleh. Ameen.

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

2012 Winter Vacay (17/12 - 24/12)

Ōsaka wa, koko de wareware wa kuru!

My first trip since '86 and frequent transit USA-KUL '82/'86. Gooshh!! a long time ago and could not see much of Japan tho since had to bed rest due to bleeding, 4months preggie with my N. And sooooo!!! Looking forward to this vacation ...

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Location:Osaka, Japan

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Our yearly event, ... reunion of all the Kamats, mengeratkan lagi silaturahim among us as the 1st and 2nd generation has left us except our antie-in-law, CikBanun. It is the Talibs turn to host the event. The youngest in the family of eight of Kamat. And GREEN is our color !!!
Countdown ... 3 weeks our fliers are out and posted ...

Alhamdulillah with the help and ideas of all our us, brother, sisters, in-laws, nieces, nephews and my honeyLuv we make a little change in the event with some activities.

The morning started with the sun smiling on us ... Everyone busy ... cooking and prep ...
The boys dah excited dah !!!! Waiting ....

Introducing the cicits of Talib and FatimahSham and also introducing the clans of Kamats ...

The Talibs ..

The Halimahs ..

The Othmans

The Hamzahs

The Hasanahs

The Nasirs
And introducing the fun that we had ... tho we were showered with rain we still had fun and the nice weather was returned to us Alhamdulillah till the end ...

The foodies specially prepared and cooked by us and my honeyLuv.

Alhamdulillah tho not all turned up but there was around 250 of us Kamats was there. Alhamdulillah and in syaa ALlah next year the Othmans will be the host.

the cousins and cikBanun ..

Wasalam .

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Location:SgKantan, Kajang