Weekend and if need not salat fajr my teenage daughter insist that she not be awaken as she does not want to loose the 90percent of her memory of her last nyte dream. She insist that if awaken by herself she will remember what she dreamt ... *wink wink* yet me got to google ..!!
well about dream ... daydreaming ... i came across that daydreaming probably may "nurture creative impulses and keep larger goals in focus"... well .. doodling daydreamers you may at last get some respect .. huhu ..
Researches has it that daydreaming - common and often quite useful. "A wandering mind can protect you from immediate perils and keep you on course towards long-term goals. Sometimes daydreaming is counter-productive but, sometimes, it fosters creativity and helps you solve porblems.
For creativity, you need your mind to wander. And to encourage creative process, has it say that it may help if go jogging, take a walk, do some knitting or just sit around doodling coz relatively undemanding tasks frees our mind to wander productively ...
my younger days daydreaming or mind wandering is a NO NO as when we daydream our parents will say, "berangan nak kawin tu", huhu. But has it occured to them that if we couldn't daydream during a boring task, life would be boring too ... *wink wink* keep dreaming people ... !!!