Eating should be a conscious act, not just something you do every time you walk past the fridge. Give your complete attention to the food. Enjoy the taste, be aware of the aroma and all the flavors-sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent and pungent.
We all have them, those irresistible foods , the trigger food, food that we can't seem to eat enough of. For me its Sambal ikan bilis and rice hot or cold, especially my Mum’s sambal, bless her soul. Al-fatihah. Semoga roh beliau diberkati dan bersama orang2 yang soleh, Ameen. If not paying attention as I’m eatin them, only realizing I already had 3 or so helping.
I came across an article, eating with awareness or “mindful eating” , a way to prevent overeating. “ When you eat mindfully, your aim is to focus solely on the here-and-now experience of eating — the sight, flavor, texture, and aroma of the food, plus the thoughts and feelings you have as you eat”. ….should I say more like a chef or a food critics, *wink wink*.
Practice mindful eating:
Eat only when you are seated at your kitchen or dining room table. No eating sambil in front of the television, reading, driving (untuk menghilang ngantuk or boring) , lying or sitting in bed, or doing anything else that requires your attention.
Keep the focus on the food rather than the conversation. To me this will be the problem, it's nice to chat with company while you eat, .. “but don't get so wrapped up that you forget to notice and enjoy your food”.
Savor each mouthful .. that’s easy ….
Take a moment to assess your hunger. Are you a little hungry? Moderately hungry? Ravenously hungry? .. but this so soooo difficult has I also have a human trigger, huhu myhoneyLuv who luvs to cook and eat and wants company.. *wink wink*
As you eat, pause to check in occasionally with your hunger. Aim to stop once you feel satisfied rather than eating until all the food is gone. … this will need a lot of endurance .. *wink wink* Push your plate away, and give your body 15 to 20 minutes to register whether or not you are still hungry before you eat more.
Probably over time and I hope not until too late, learning to eat in the moment will help break free from mindless eating and make meals more enjoyable and satisfying. "If we expand our awareness about eating, we can take care of 99% of digestive problems," says Deepak Chopra, M.D., an endocrinologist in Stoneham, Massachusetts, and author of Creating Health.