As summer is here in AbuDhabi, it is hot nd dry and for the past wk we have a guest ourpetdHousefly aka mrLalat. we hardly hv the pleasure of its uninvited visit. mrLalat is tOO friendly as it sits on ur face and lips (which is irritating) and on ourmissLappyTop... hovering, maybe lonely coz mrLalat is alone wif no fren, kihkihkih.Cannot zzziiiit with mrSheltox, not at home as we hardly need his service, cannot catch it to ... but easily catch him on camera nd no camera shy, home tame !! mrLalat is nowhere to be seen yesterday nd probably accompanying myhoneyLuv in the kitchen huhu, ... mamaSoffDay. Nd dont see mrLalat 2day tOO, Gud2 and this make me recall our special guest that we had last yr during the winter break, our beautiful mama ....

yESS, mamaMerbok... nestled on top of myhoneyLuv's 5foot thorny cactus. mamaMerbok protecting the 4Lil eggs never leaving its nest nd papaMerbok ?? (not 2sure its the mama or papa protecting the eggs)comes giving food taking tapau the 3day meal. Even in the rakus of hammerring and drilling at the home (renovating in progress) mamaMerbok stays put confidence she is save from the uninvited guest mrKitty, mrBiawak and even from the chinaMan who thinks it is "ong" as she is under the porch, 7foot high above the lantai. Alas, the day has come for them to leave the safety of the nest nd with sooo much tweeting mamaMerbok entice the chicks which only 2 survive to fly. After few clap2 of their weak wings, nd failure to fly, they flew and never turn back... i hope they will return oneday to nest for the next generation .... hopeful..